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Bit of Energy

Wij zijn Veerle Wijshoff, Charlotte van der Sommen en Jochem Franse, 3 ambitieuze industriële ontwerpers. Een jaar geleden hebben wij de Tsinghua-Santander World Challenge in China gewonnen met Bit of Energy en sindsdien proberen wij onze droom realiteit te maken. Wij geloven dat innovatie en verandering het beste vanuit de mensen zelf kan komen en dat wij als ontwerpers de samenleving kunnen empoweren om dit te doen. Door op een leuke speelse manier complexe maatschappelijke problemen te benaderen, proberen wij de samenleving duurzamer te maken.


Bit of Energy

Door Bit of Energy
Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology
Categorieën: Duurzaamheid | Educatie | Energie

Bit of energy is een educatieve spel voor kinderen. Het spel bestaat uit een tastbare krokodil die energie kan meten over kabels heen, en een digitaal spel waarin dit karakter tot leven komt. Aan de kinderen de taak om de wereld van crocky te redden door te leren over energie en hoe ze energie kunnen besparen. Het kind zal hierdoor de energie expert in de familie worden en zijn omgeving aanzetten tot het besparen van energie. Door bewustzijn te creëren hopen wij een verandering in gang te zetten


Co Creation and pitching @ Open Brains


Bit of Energy is being developed. Together with Blue Engineering, The business model is created and a lot of new insights regarding the market are gained. New connections are made!

Last friday, Veerle Wijshoff from team Bit of Energy was invited to present during the open brains, which is a co creation event focused on business development initiated by Blue Engineering. Blue Engineering provided Bit of Energy with 8 expert hours. In order to gain as many insights as possible during the open brains, the concept of Bit of Energy was developed according to a new business model that was formed together with Blue Engineering. .

In this improved concept of Bit of Energy, the focus is on the value that data has and the impact that this specific data can have on the behavior of families towards energy consumption. Bit of Energy is all about creating insights and triggering a change towards the ignorance that we have concerning energy in our homes.

Bit of Energy now is an educational game for children that learns children about energy and energy consumption by telling the story of Crocky. Crocky is a tangible cable click crocodile that can measure the amount of energy that a specific device is using. Crocky will come to live in the game to create a magical augmented reality experience that motivates the children to discover energy. The children will gather data and this data can deliver valuable specific insights per device in a household for the parents. The parents can see this overview and can compare their energy usage to other game users via an application.

During the co creation session at Open Brains, a lot of insights concerning on "how we can make this product financially feasible" were gained and a lot of new connection were made.

Curious about the development of Bit of Energy and/or do you want to get involved? Check our website BitofEnergy.nl